Auray Plast: recognized experts in the injection of technical parts
A recognized expertise

Annually, more than 20 million injected parts are produced by our factory located in Auray, near the Gulf of Morbihan. Auray Plast offers comprehensive and personalized support from specifications to production, in line with your needs. A skilled design office accompanies you to optimize and guarantee the industrialization of your projects.
Committed men & women

At Auray Plast, people come first before anything else. This results in a good working atmosphere within the company, team spirit and mutual assistance among the various employees explains their commitment and motivation.
Training, diversity, and versatility are essential.
Auray Plast: know-how for your projects
Our fleet of machines consist of electric injection presses with peripheral robots allowing perfect control of production parameters.
Our engineers will listen to you in order to design and optimize your parts. Eco-design, choice of materials, technical parts, don’t hesitate to challenge us.
Auray Plast has a quadruple certification. The quality of our parts is a priority. We have a laboratory for a detailed and precise analysis of incoming raw materials and finished products.
A collective dynamic
At Auray Plast, we are convinced that the richness of a team lies in its diversity and its ability to share.
The company is made up of employees who are capable of inventing, creating, producing, manufacturing, marketing, and shipping products worldwide. Our experience allows us to meet the demands of our customers while being attentive to new needs.
We aim to deploy 3 strategic development axes: guaranteeing our expertise, expanding into new business sectors, optimizing industrial processes and transferring skills..
50 years of expertise
For 50 years, Auray Plast has stood out in the plastics industry for its expertise in the injection of technical parts in thermoplastics (TPU and TPE). Thanks to our know-how and integrated design office, we support our customers in the development of customized solutions that meet both technical and environmental requirements. For several years now, we have been diversifying locally into a variety of sectors: mussel farming, agriculture, boating and leisure.
Our story
The company was founded in 1974 by Jean Pépin de Fontaine de Bonnerive under the name JADE. In order to meet very technical requirements, the company embarked on the design and manufacture of seals for mining support jacks. The first parts were intended for coal mines in Poland.
They had to be strong and watertight enough to withstand difficult conditions and the pressure of the jack. The company then developed seals using a new material: polyurethane. A thermoplastic with exceptional resistance to abrasion, perfectly suited to the harsh environment, allowed JADE to establish a solid reputation for the quality of its products. Production was then launched in Auray.
In 1980, a fire completely destroyed the factory. However, it did not take long for the company to bounce back. The reconstruction was rapid and production was resumed.
In 1981, the German group Merkel, a specialist in hydraulic seals, acquired the company to expand its activities.
First ISO 9002 quality certification.
Then in 1994, the Austrian company Economos acquired the company before selling it in 1998 to the German company Freudenberg.
Freudenberg acquires SKF Economos.
ISO 14001 certification.
OHAS 18001 certification.
In 2008, Jean-Baptiste Crouan, a plastics engineer, acquired the company, marking the beginning of a new adventure…
ISO 50001 certification.
Start of the “Phénix” company project.
Certification ISO 45001.
Auray Plast celebrates 50 years of know-how and expertise in thermoplastics injection molding.